- Full Time:
- Yes
- Number of Workers Requested:
- 8
- Job Duties:
- To complete tasks in in general farm labor, general farm labor for green beans, packing of green beans, and vineyard maintenance.
Farm Laborer:
1. Worker assembles plastic bins used for green beans by hand outside the packinghouse and pushes them inside packinghouse to be filled.
2. Worker will empty, rake, and clean trailer that held green beans after trailer drops-off green beans onto packing conveyor.
3. Worker will pick up trash, empty trash cans, sweep, run power washer, wash walls/floors/drains, and do other clean up tasks in the green bean packing house, cooler rooms, housing, and break room.
4. Worker may be required to assist with moving tractor with spreader attachment for culls around the farm property, adhering to safety rules and guidelines. Training will be provided.
5. Worker may be required to drive and operate a forklift, tractor, or other farm vehicle as directed, adhering to safety rules and guidelines. Training will be provided.
6. Worker will wash, clean, and sanitize packing line/ packing barn, conveyor belts, and other equipment used for green beans in the packing house as directed by supervisor.
7. Worker will sweep and perform general clean up tasks in and around farm buildings.
8. Worker will use a pressure washer or hose to clean and sanitize produce containers and equipment.
9. Worker will assemble and make 1-bushel wooden crates, plastic bins, reusable plastic containers, and other containers that green beans are packed into (depending on need).
10. Worker will wash, wax, and clean farm machinery, equipment, semi-trailers and vehicles.
11. Worker will be required to hoe or pull weeds as directed by supervisor.
Pay will be hourly.
- Job Classification:
- 45-2092.00 - Farmworkers and Laborers, Crop, Nursery, and Greenhouse