- Full Time:
- Yes
- Number of Workers Requested:
- 2
- Job Duties:
- The farm work position includes duties associated with the preparation of ginning of cotton and upkeep of ginning equipment. This work can require standing, walking, stooping, bending, and lifting up to 75 pounds for long periods of time.
General Duties: Preventive maintenance, sweeping gin, general cleaning, lifting, driving forklift, module truck and skid steer loader, driving tractor, pulling sample from bale, placing label on bale, loading seed trucks both out of overhead bins and with elevator, loading baled cotton trucks, helping keep track of bale numbers, removing tarps (both conventional modules and round modules) from cotton modules and tying out mote bales is work that requires adherence to important safety and quality standard operating procedures and the ability to work quickly and consistently alongside fellow workers with a positive, professional, team-based attitude and with consideration for the safety and health of fellow workers and of the consumers who will purchase the product.
Cotton Baling Press: Workers will tie, tag and bag bales of cotton as they come out of the press. Workers will attach ties to the bales while they are still in the press to secure cotton. Workers must take care that the straps are attached correctly and securely as to not cause injuries to the workers and equipment. Workers will remove a sample of the cotton from each bale per their supervisors instructions. Workers will then bag the bales of cotton, and place a tag on the bag.
Workers will then load the bales on the bale hoister. Bales are then loaded into a vehicle for transport.
Cotton Mulch Bagging: Workers will turn cotton trash weekly to make the soil product. They will run equipment to screen the soil to load into the machine. Workers will screen processing into the machine line to bagging process to packaging of soil. They will continue working in gin doing basic maintenance of equipment for upcoming ginning season.
Mote Press: Workers will tie, tag, and bag bales of mote as they come out of the press. Workers will attach ties to the bales while they are still in the press to secure cotton. Workers must take care that the straps are attached correctly and securely as to not cause injuries. Workers will then bag the bales of mote and place a tag on the bag. Workers will then load the bales on the bale hoister. Bales are then loaded into a vehicle for transport.
Workers may be required to perform work in the gin that is incidental to the duties listed in the application such as refilling supplies, cleaning lint filters, sweeping floors, assisting the gin operator with repairs, making repairs to the equipment, clearing blockages, and operating or installing various equipment. This is a demanding and competitive business in which quality specifications must be rigorously adhered to. Cotton bales weigh up to 500lbs. Workers must take care to follow their supervisors instructions to ensure all workers safety.
Shed Sanitation: All workers will be responsible for picking up trash, cleaning bathrooms, sweeping floors and other farm and shed sanitation duties.
This work requires adherence to important safety and quality standard operating procedures and the ability to work quickly and consistently alongside fellow workers with a positive, professional, team- based attitude and with consideration for the safety and health of fellow workers.
Workers should be physically able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations.
Workers will report to work at the designated time and place as directed by the grower each day. The standard work is 9 hours per day. In peak periods of seasonal crop demands, employees may be requested but not required to work up to 12 or more hours per day and/or on the Sabbath or Federal holidays depending upon the conditions in the fields, weather, orders, and maturity of the crop.
- Job Classification:
- 45-2092.00 - Farmworkers and Laborers, Crop, Nursery, and Greenhouse