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Farm Worker

Ela Family Farms

Hotchkiss, CO

$16.63 per hour


Recruitment Information

Telephone Number to Apply:
Email address to Apply:
Web address to Apply:

Job Description

Full Time:
Number of Workers Requested:
Job Duties:
Workers will perform pruning, thinning, and harvesting of fruit trees. Workers will plant, cultivate, and harvest peaches, pears, apples, plums, and tomatoes by hand at correct ripeness and pack using various packaging methods. Workers will perform all tasks traditionally included in the operation of fruit orchards, including but not limited to irrigating, mowing, pest control, and fertilizing. Additional duties include weeding, inspecting, grading, sorting, packing, storing, and pre-and post-harvest treatment of crops. Workers will also perform general farm maintenance and cleanup activities. Must be able to climb up and down a ladder with a 35 lb. tote. Must be able to lift and carry 40 lb. boxes. Must be able to pick 10-bushels of fruit per hour for job retention. One (1) month of experience in harvesting tree fruit is required. The employer will provide no training and allow zero days for the worker to reach the production standard. Workers must be fully vaccinated for COVID-19. ----------------------------------------- Los trabajadores realizarn las labores de poda, aclareo y recoleccin de los rboles frutales. Los trabajadores plantarn, cultivarn y cosecharn duraznos, peras, manzanas, ciruelas y tomates a mano en la madurez correcta y los empacarn usando varios mtodos de empaque. Los trabajadores realizarn todas las areas tradicionalmente incluidas en la operacin de huertos frutales, que incluyen, entre otros, riego, corte de csped, control de plagas y fertilizacin. Las tareas adicionales incluyen el deshierbe, la inspeccin, la clasificacin, la clasificacin, el empaque, el almacenamiento y el tratamiento de los cultivos antes y despus de la cosecha. Los trabajadores tambin realizarn actividades generales de mantenimiento y limpieza de la granja. Debe poder subir y bajar una escalera con una bolsa de 35 libras. Debe poder levantar y transportar cajas de 40 libras. Debe poder recoger 10 bushels de fruta por hora para conservar el trabajo. Se requiere un (1) mes de experiences en cosecha de rboles frutales. El empleador no brindar capacitacin y permitir cero das para que el trabajador alcance el estndar de produccin. Los trabajadores deben estar completamente vacunados contra el COVID-19.
Job Classification:
45-2092.00 - Farmworkers and Laborers, Crop, Nursery, and Greenhouse

The job/industry classification and description includes general information on the position from ONET/OES and the North American Industry Classification System. Please review Job Duties and Job Order for more information.

Job Requirements

Experience Required:
Months of Experience Required:
Special Requirements:
Must be able to climb up and down a ladder with a 35 lb. tote. Must be able to lift and carry 40 lb. boxes. Must be able to pick 10- bushels of fruit per hour for job retention. One (1) month of experience in harvesting tree fruit is required. The employer will provide no training and allow zero days for the worker to reach the production standard. Workers must be fully vaccinated for COVID-19. ----------------------------------------- Debe poder subir y bajar una escalera con una bolsa de 35 libras. Debe poder levantar y transportar cajas de 40 libras. Debe poderrecoger 10 bushels de fruta por hora para conservar el trabajo. Se requiere un (1) mes de experiencia en cosecha de rboles frutales. El empleador no brindar capacitacin y permitir cero das para que el trabajador alcance el estndar de produccin. Los trabajadores deben estar completamente vacunados contra el COVID-19.
Number of Hours Per Week:
Work Schedule (Start/End time):
7:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.

Employer Information

Trade Name/Doing Business As:
Ela Family Farms
Company Name:
Silver Spruce Partners, LLC
Hotchkiss, CO 81419
Telephone Number:


30753 L Road, Hotchkiss, CO 81419

Job Order Details

ETA Case Number:
Multiple Worksites:
Date Posted:
