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Farmworkers & Laborers, Crop

Frym F. Merino & Sons Harvesting & Hauling, Inc.

Clinton, NC

$15.81 per hour


Recruitment Information

Telephone Number to Apply:
Email address to Apply:
Web address to Apply:

Job Description

Full Time:
Number of Workers Requested:
Job Duties:
Fieldworker. Pull weeds/chop: Workers will walk along rows as specified by employer and remove weeds and grass from fields by hand or using a hoe. Prepare soil for planting, plant, transplant, cultivate and harvest crops. Load and unload crops and farm materials. Transplant, top and sucker, and hand-harvest or machine harvest flue-cured tobacco. Transplant, cultivate and hand harvest sweet potato. Workers will walk along rows as specified by employer and remove weeds and grass from fields by hand or using a hoe. May operate and perform minor maintenance and repairs on farm vehicles, implements and equipment. May repair fences, greenhouses, farm buildings and other structures, or perform irrigation activities. Perform farm, field and shed sanitation duties. Mow grass and operate trimmer around farm buildings. Direct and monitor the work of casual and seasonal help during planting and harvesting. Trabajador de campo. Quitar malezas/cortar: Los trabajadores caminarán a lo largo de las hileras según lo especificado por el empleador y quitarán las malezas y el pasto de los campos a mano o con una azada. Preparar el suelo para plantar, plantar, trasplantar, cultivar y cosechar cultivos. Cargar y descargar cultivos y materiales agrícolas. Transplante, copa y retoño, y coseche a mano o con máquina tabaco curado al humo. Trasplantar, cultivar y cosechar a mano camote. Los trabajadores caminarán a lo largo de las hileras según lo especificado por el empleador y quitarán las malas hierbas y el pasto de los campos a mano o con una azada. Puede operar y realizar mantenimiento y reparaciones menores en vehículos, implementos y equipos agrícolas. Puede reparar cercas, invernaderos, edificios agrícolas y otras estructuras, o realizar actividades de riego. Realizar tareas de saneamiento de granjas, campos y galpones. Corte el césped y opere la podadora alrededor de los edificios agrícolas. Dirigir y monitorear las labores de ayuda ocasional y estacional durante la siembra y cosecha.
Job Classification:
45-2092.00 - Farmworkers and Laborers, Crop, Nursery, and Greenhouse

The job/industry classification and description includes general information on the position from ONET/OES and the North American Industry Classification System. Please review Job Duties and Job Order for more information.

Job Requirements

Experience Required:
Months of Experience Required:
Special Requirements:
Prolonged walking, standing, bending, stooping, and reaching. Job is outdoors and continues in all types of weather. Workers may be requested to submit to random drug or alcohol tests at no cost to the worker. Failure to comply with the request or testing positive may result in immediate termination. All testing will occur post-hire and is not a part of the interview process. Negative result may be required post-hire and before commencing work. Must be able to lift 75 lbs. to shoulder height repetitively throughout the workday and able to lift and carry 75 lbs. in field. Must not hinder another workers productivity. Use of personal cell phone or other personal electronic device during working hours strictly prohibited except for work-related calls or emergencies and violation may result in immediate termination. Requires one month verifiable farmworker experience in the crop activities listed. Must commit to work the entire contract period. Continued.
Number of Hours Per Week:
Work Schedule (Start/End time):
8:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.

Employer Information

Company Name:
Frym F. Merino & Sons Harvesting & Hauling, Inc.
Newton Grove, NC 28366
Telephone Number:


New Flora Melons LLC 225 Quiet Water Lane, Clinton, NC 28328

Job Order Details

ETA Case Number:
Multiple Worksites:
Additional Wage Information:
Per 5/8 bu. bucket sweet potato hand harvest. Estimated hourly wage rate equivalent is $16 based on average 32 piece rate units per hour. Actual piece rate earnings depend on individual factors. Guaranteed $15.81/hr.
Date Posted:
