- Full Time:
- Yes
- Number of Workers Requested:
- 335
- Job Duties:
- Nursery/Greenhouse ? Duties may include but are not limited to: preparing soil and growth media, planting, transplanting, cultivating, pruning, cutting, deadheading, culling, pinching, pollinating, harvesting, trimming to shape, mowing, fertilizing with granular or liquid fertilizer, cleaning work area, transporting plant materials in the greenhouse or nursery area, loading and unloading plants and all other duties associated with plant production and /or otherwise participating in horticulture activities. Haul and spread topsoil, fertilizer, etc. to condition land. Spray, weed and water plants, shrubs and trees. Workers will be required to perform duties to prepare crops and ensure their development into marketable products. Workers will also pick orders, space plantings, load and unload product from carts, racks, benches, wagons and trucks for crop placement. Workers must lift full and empty metal benches of plants. Operate equipment necessary for the maintenance and operation of the grounds and facilities.
Planting, Cultivating & Harvesting Row Crops - Duties may include but are not limited to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops such as field corn, wheat, rye, soybeans, forage, etc. Workers may perform a variety of other duties such as husking and shelling corn and unloading grain onto conveyors to storage bins and/or elevators. Duties may include but are not limited to plant, cultivate and harvest peanuts, cotton, and tobacco. Flue cured, burley and dark Tobacco requires planting, cultivating, remove tops and suckers from the plants, and oiling. Flue cured requires that you pull mature leaves from tobacco stalks by hand and place leaves in trailers for transport to tobacco barns for curing, then prepared to be placed in the barns, once cured is removed and placed in bins to be baled. Bales weighing 650 to 850 pounds are mechanically loaded in trucks for transport to market. Other types of tobacco are harvested by cutting the whole plant and curing.
Planting, Cultivating and Harvesting Vegetables/Fruits - Duties may include but are not limited to plant, cultivate, harvest and pack produce in boxes, buckets, and/or crates. May assist in set-up of product for sale of crop. When harvesting cabbage, asparagus, winter squash, pumpkins workers will cut selected produce with knife or shears and place in trailer drawn through field. Workers are also expected to perform task of packing, weighing, and loading trucks. Produce may include a variety of cucumbers, squash, sweet potatoes, potatoes, peppers, grapes, berries, asparagus, broccoli, beans, cantaloupes, peas, pumpkins, melons, tomatoes, corn, and other miscellaneous fruits or vegetables.
Grapes will include, planting, placing bamboo stakes, installing grow tubes, hilling up vines, installing trellis, weeding, hedging, pruning, tying up vines, cutting grass, harvesting. Workers may perform general indoor tasks or post-harvest activities when outdoor vineyard work is not available. All such activities will be performed incident to or in conjunction with vineyard operation.
Hay/Straw -Hay must be cut, raked and bailed. If square bales workers will move along rows of previously bailed haw/straw, bending, stooping and lifting bails, loading and stacking onto a truck or trailer for transport to storage area. If round bales they will be loaded with tractor on the truck or trailer for transport to storage area.
Sod - Sod requires land preparation, seeding mowing and harvesting. A machine cuts and rolls the sod. Workers stack the rolls on pallets to be transported to installation worksite where the workers lay the sod.
Livestock will include assisting with delivery, apply or administer medications, vaccines and/or insecticides, mix feed and additives, feed, water, herd, clean/disinfect livestock corrals/stalls/sheds, castrate, brand, clip/tag and clamp livestock.
- Job Classification:
- 45-2092.00 - Farmworkers and Laborers, Crop, Nursery, and Greenhouse