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Cooks, Institution & Cafeteria



$18.50 per hour


Recruitment Information

Telephone Number to Apply:
Email address to Apply:

Job Description

Full Time:
Number of Workers Requested:
Job Duties:
All applicants must be able, willing, and qualified to perform the work described in this job description and must be available for the entire period of employment specified in this order. This work order is for qualified people to prepare and cook family-style meals for approximately 330 workers in a commissary. Workers will be asked to cook food and plan daily menus; wash dishes, bake breads and pastries; order and shop for food and supplies; store food in designated areas, utilizing knowledge of temperature requirements and food spoilage; and be responsible to maintain and clean the work area, equipment, utensils, dishes, etc. to ensure food is prepared in a sanitary work area. The Cook will also be asked to clean and maintain common living and dining areas, which includes gathering and removing garbage. Workers will perform assigned duties as instructed by their supervisor Workers will perform assigned duties as instructed by their supervisor . Detassel Corn- Worker will walk down the aisles between the plants in the corn fields, for the purpose of detasseling seed corn, remove rogue plants, weeds, and volunteer corn plants from seed corn production fields and remove weeds from soy beans. The worker in order to perform this kind of work must be able to walk miles per day while pulling the tassel from each corn stalk, must be able to work long hours a least 6 hours a day in all kinds of weather, hot humid weather ,rain and be exposed to pollen the whole day and be in possession of the requisite strength and durance, working quickly and skillfully with their hands. Los trabajadores cabo las tareas asignadas segn las instrucciones de su supervisor.Espigando El Maz trabajador ser caminar por los pasillos entre las plantas en los campos de maz, con el propsito de semillas de maz despenachado, eliminar las plantas sin escrpulos, malezas y plantas de maz voluntario de los campos de produccin de semillas de maz. Todos los solicitantes deben poder, querer y estar calificados para realizar el trabajo descrito en esta descripción de trabajo y deben estar disponibles durante todo el período de empleo especificado en esta orden.Esta orden de trabajo es para personas calificadas para preparar y cocinar comidas estilo familiar para aproximadamente 330 trabajadores en una comisaría. Se pedirá a los trabajadores que cocinen alimentos y planifiquen diariamente menús; lavar platos, hornear panes y pasteles; ordenar y comprar alimentos y suministros; almacenar alimentos en áreas designadas, utilizando el conocimiento de los requisitos de temperatura y los alimentos deterioro; y ser responsable de mantener y limpiar el área de trabajo, equipos, utensilios, platos, etc. para garantizar que los alimentos se preparen en un área de trabajo sanitaria. También se le pedirá al cocinero que Limpiar y mantener las áreas comunes de sala y comedor, lo que incluye recolectar y retirar la basura. Los trabajadores realizarán las tareas asignadas según las instrucciones de su supervisor.El trabajador con el fin de llevar a cabo este tipo de trabajo debe ser capaz de caminar millas por da, mientras que tirando de la borla de cada tallo del maz, debe ser capaz de trabajar largas horas al menos 6 horas al da en todo tipo de clima, el clima clido y hmedo, la lluvia y ser expuestos al polen de todo el da y estar en posesin de la resistencia requerida y Durance, que trabaja de forma rpida y hbilmente con sus manos. A copy of the work contract or a copy of the ETA 790 in lieu of a work contract, and any modifications , will be provided to the worker on the day the work commences.
Job Classification:
35-2012.00 - Cooks, Institution and Cafeteria

The job/industry classification and description includes general information on the position from ONET/OES and the North American Industry Classification System. Please review Job Duties and Job Order for more information.

Job Requirements

Experience Required:
Months of Experience Required:
Number of Hours Per Week:
Work Schedule (Start/End time):
7:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.

Employer Information

Company Name:
Telephone Number:


43.174388, -89.910913, ARENA, WI 53503

Job Order Details

ETA Case Number:
Multiple Worksites:
Date Posted:
