- Full Time:
- Yes
- Number of Workers Requested:
- 5
- Job Duties:
- Operate farm equipment such as pickups, tractors, hay grinder, atv for assisting with cattle operation;
move equipment or livestock from one location to another manually or using trucks or carts; drive
trucks, tractors, and other equipment to distribute commodities; background calves; feed and water
livestock and monitor food and water supplies; direct and monitor work during planting and
harvesting; participate in the inspection, grading, storage, and post-harvest treatment of commodities;
repair and maintain farm vehicles, implements, and mechanical equipment as well as farm buildings,
fences, and other structures; operate tractor-drawn machinery and self-propelled machinery to fertilize
soil, plant, cultivate, spray and harvest crops; Load inputs and drive trucks to transport to fields, load
crops and drive trucks to transport to fields and storage facilities such as elevators, bins, silos,
piles/bags; clean work areas and maintain grounds and landscaping; haul and spread fertilizer and
other materials to condition soil; mix materials, dump solutions into machinery; attach implements
using hand tools; examine animals to detect illness, injury, or disease, and to check physical
characteristics, such as rate of weight gain; provide medical treatment, such as administering
medications and vaccinations, or arrange for veterinarians to provide more extensive treatment; mix
rations; feeding cubes, hay; putting out mineral; preparing wheat acres to accept cattle, moving cattle
to wheat for grazing.
- Job Classification:
- 45-2093.00 - Farmworkers, Farm, Ranch, and Aquacultural Animals