- Full Time:
- Yes
- Number of Workers Requested:
- 11
- Job Duties:
- Workers will perform seed corn & soybean sorting including but not limited to field preparation, removing rocks and volunteer corn from seed corn, or soybean fields before planting, some seed conditioning seed treatment, bagging, sweeping, cleaning, organizing of work or living units, some light mechanical work on field equipment for planting, bagging, harvest, tractor operating, possible unloading or loading trucks.
Seed Corn Harvest & Sort: Workers will perform general duties associated with harvesting seed corn. Workers will help unload seed corn from trucks and trailer by hand and using a rake, watch the dryers and may be requested to take corn samples and record weights. Workers will be sorting rouge ears of corn from transfer belt.
Bean & Corn walking or weeding: Workers will walk seed fields to identify and remove rogue plants and discarding them as directed. Also, may enter the fields to count tassels and/or silk sheds.
Sanitation Requirements: For food and general personal safety purposes, all workers will be required and expected to follow common sanitary practices at all times. This is particularly critical when hand harvesting crops for human consumption. Employees are required to cleanse their hands by washing them thoroughly with soap and water after using the bathroom and before entering the fields for harvest activities or the packing facility for packing operations.
Working Team leader: Some workers may act as working team leaders. These workers will report to the supervisor. These duties may include monitoring or directing the work of causal seasonal workers.
A Properly licensed worker may be requested to transport workers.
Farm, Field and Camp Maintenance: All workers will be responsible for picking up trash, cleaning bathrooms, sweeping floors and other farm, cleaning maintenance.
Field preparation, removing rocks and volunteer corn from seed corn or soybean fields before planting, some seed conditioning, see treatment, bagging, sweeping, cleaning, organizing of work or living units., some light mechanical work on field equipment for planting, tractor operating, possible unloading or loading of trucks.
During certain duties, workers may be required to work in teams to accomplish a certain task. When engaged in teamwork activities workers must coordinate with other members of the team to accomplish the task.
Employer retains the right to discharge an obviously unqualified worker, malinger, or recalcitrant worker who is physically able but does not demonstrate the willingness to perform the work necessary for the employer to grow a premium quality product.
Job specifications can change frequently during the season due to crop or market conditions, even on the same crop. Workers will be expected to conform to the specific instructions given by the supervisor for each day’s work. Instructions and general supervision will be provided by the farm owner/supervisor or a designated employee. However, field workers will be expected to perform their duties in a timely and proficient manner without close supervision.
- Job Classification:
- 45-2092.00 - Farmworkers and Laborers, Crop, Nursery, and Greenhouse