- Full Time:
- Yes
- Number of Workers Requested:
- 5
- Job Duties:
- Workers will perform assigned duties as instructed by their supervisor. Duties may vary from time to time. Workers will plant, cultivate, and harvest commercial row crop production of sweet corn, cabbage, watermelon, & other various crops. Job duties include, but are not limited to, the following: shovel, level, haul, spread rock, dig holes, ditches, and trenches, mowing and trimming grass. Use hand tools such as shovels, trawls, hoes, grass trimmer, mower, pruning hooks, pruning shears, and knives. Duties may include tilling soil, transplanting, thinning, or pruning crops and spraying insecticide, fungicide, and herbicide with an air blast sprayer on tractor and 4-wheeler. May make minor repairs to existing fences as general farm labor. May participate in irrigation system repairs and maintenance. Detasseling seed corn, remove rogue plants, weeds, and volunteer corn plants from seed corn production fields. Detassel Corn – Must be able to walk miles per day while pulling all tassels from plants within the designated female rows, including tassels on tiller/sucker plants. Tassels will be pulled as they emerge and before shedding pollen. Rogueing – Workers will remove all rogues or off-type plants from within and between seed cornrows. Clean-Up Detasseling – Workers will be required to clean up all tassels or part tassels that remain from plants after detasseling machines have covered the designated female rows. Workers may also be required to husk, sort during harvest. Workers will perform seed corn receiving, silage, sorting, and dryer load out duties as it pertains to harvest seen corn crop and kernels. Clear ground of rocks, sticks, and roots by hand, Clear brush & trees with a chainsaw or related hand tools. May use the following equipment: tractor, cultivator, cutting heads, choppers, silage baggers, silage wagons & trailers, mini excavators, skid steers, hand saws, RTV’s, grease guns, air compressors & attachments, shovels, rakes, sprayers, seed drills, hand tools, battery operated hand tools, combine, lagoon pump, lagoon crawler, and liquid manure wagons. Workers duties will include the spreading of fertilizer or liquid manure. Workers may also clean and organize the shop, irrigate crops, and fix fences, cut, and rake. Workers may also be mixing spray chemicals and loading them into the sprayer and spraying the High Cycle Sprayer. Drain water from fields with hand tools and shovels when needed. Repair, maintain, and clean all hand tools & mechanical equipment prior to and after use.
- Job Classification:
- 45-2092.00 - Farmworkers and Laborers, Crop, Nursery, and Greenhouse