- Full Time:
- Yes
- Number of Workers Requested:
- 5
- Job Duties:
- Will prune, plant, cultivate, irrigate, fertilize, harvest, and sort out fruit crops while working outside in all types of weather. Peaches and apples are primary crops. Must be able to lift and carry 75 lbs., and pick fruit with a 3% or less bruise rate. Manually plant, cultivate, and harvest fruits. Use hand tools, such as shovels, trowels, hoes, tampers, pruning hooks, shears, and knives. Duties may include tilling soil and applying fertilizers; transplanting, weeding, thinning, or pruning crops; applying pesticides; cleaning, packing, and loading harvested products. May construct trellises, repair fences and farm buildings, participate in irrigation activities and other farm related activities as needed. The employer, at no cost, will provide any tools or equipment necessary to perform required tasks. All work must be performed carefully according to instructions to avoid damage or harm to crops.
Must be able to work outdoors in dusty and dirty conditions, in extremes of heat and cold and in inclement weather. Must be able to crouch, bend, and sit on the ground. Must be able to listen to, understand and follow simple instructions of field leaders and supervisor. This job requires three months (or 480 hours) of verifiable prior experience. The employer will comply with re-entry restrictions applicable to pesticides and other chemicals used in the fields.
Workers may not report for work while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The possession or use of illegal drugs or alcohol(exception is made for moderate alcohol consumption in company housing during non-working hours) on company property is prohibited and will be cause for termination.
- Job Classification:
- 45-2092.00 - Farmworkers and Laborers, Crop, Nursery, and Greenhouse