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Farmworkers and Laborers, Crops

FE Farms, LLC

Santa Isabel, PR

$9.94 per hour

For more detailed information on compensation, including applicable piece rate, special pay, and overtime information, please click the “View Job Order” option or see the Job Order Details section below.

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Recruitment Information

Telephone Number to Apply:
Email address to Apply:

Job Description

Full Time:
Number of Workers Requested:
Job Duties:
Prepare the soil for planting and harvesting vegetables and fruits: melons (variety), tomato, pineapple, papaya, sweet potato and plantain. Most of the workdays are spent on one's feet and constant movement outdoors. Workers are rarely in one place as they move, often walking from one field to another for any period. Workers must be able to stand, walk uphill and downhill, sit, sloop, squat, kneel, crouch, bend (from the waist) push, pull, reach, lift, and carry items weighing in the range of 5 to 75 pounds. Driving and operating passenger vehicles and farm equipment may be required. Workers are required to work seven (7) hours per day. The worker may be requested, but not required, to work 10 hours per day and/or Federal Holidays, as well as Saturdays, depending upon the conditions in the fields, weather, and maturity of the crop. Overtime will be paid, if applicable, under state or federal law. The manager or supervisor will advise workers at the end of the workday if there is any change in start time, and anticipated hours of work for the following day. Regular attendance by all workers during scheduled hours of the workday and /or work period is expected. Unsatisfactory attendance: including reporting late, excessive requests to leave before the end of the workday, doing work outside the scope of the H2A Visa, not abiding by housing or transport regulations, etc., may be cause for disciplinary action, including the termination of the contract. Workers must call their manager or supervisor at least one day before the start of the workday if they do not expect to be in on time. Further information on the employer's Attendance Policy in the Employee Handbook. SPANISH TRANSLATION / TRADUCCION AL ESPANOL Preparar el suelo para plantar y cosechar verduras y frutas: melones (variedad), tomate, tomato, pina, papaya, batata y platano. La mayoria de los dias de trabajo se pasan de pie y en constante movimiento al aire libre. Los trabajadores rara vez estan en un lugar mientras se mueven, a menudo caminando de un campo a otro durante cualquier periodo. Los trabajadores deben poder pararse, caminar cuesta arriba y cuesta abajo, sentarse, ponerse en cuclillas, arrodillarse, agacharse, doblarse (desde la cintura), empujar, tirar, alcanzar, levantar y transportar articulos que pesen entre 5 y 75 libras. Conducir y operar vehiculos de pasajeros y equipo agricola podra ser requerido. Los trabajadores deben trabajar siete (7) horas por dia. Al trabajador se le puede pedir, pero no se le puede exigir, que trabaje 10 horas por dia y / o en el dias festivos federales, asi como sabados, dependiendo de las condiciones en los campos, el clima y la madurez del cultivo. Las horas extras se pagaran si corresponde bajo la ley estatal o federal. El gerente o supervisor avisara a los trabajadores al final de la jornada laboral si hay algun cambio en la hora de inicio y las horas de trabajo anticipadas para el dia siguiente. Se espera la asistencia regular de todos los trabajadores durante las horas programadas de la jornada laboral y / o periodo de trabajo. Asistencia insatisfactoria: incluyendo reportarse tarde, solicitudes excesivas para salir antes del final de la jornada laboral, hacer trabajos fuera del alcance de la Visa H2A, no cumplir con las regulaciones de vivienda o transporte, etc., puede ser motivo de accion disciplinaria, incluida la terminacion del contrato. Los trabajadores deben llamar a su gerente o supervisor al menos un dia antes antes del inicio de la jornada laboral si no esperan llegar a tiempo. Mas informacion sobre la Politica de Asistencia en el Manual del Empleado.
Job Classification:
45-2092.00 - Farmworkers and Laborers, Crop, Nursery, and Greenhouse

The job/industry classification and description includes general information on the position from ONET/OES and the North American Industry Classification System. Please review Job Duties and Job Order for more information.

Job Requirements

Experience Required:
Months of Experience Required:
Special Requirements:
All work performed in outdoor agricultural fields and involves exposure to rain, sun, soil, mud, dust, heat, cold and other natural elements. Workers should come prepared to the farm wearing appropriate clothing and footwear for the environmental and working conditions described. They will be planting, fertilizing, removing weeds, pruning plants, maintaining plantations, and picking or harvesting, germinating seeds, counting, and packaging farm products. Work entails exposure to soil, plants, insects, and plant materials, such as, but not limited to pesticides and fertilizers. Although not required, workers with a valid drivers license, at sole discretion of the employer, may be assigned the following task: Drive vehicles to transport crops, supplies, tools, equipment, fuel, materials, or farm workers. Continue on Addendum C. Continua en Adendum C.
Number of Hours Per Week:
Work Schedule (Start/End time):
7:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.

Employer Information

Company Name:
FE Farms, LLC
Santa Isabel, PR 00757


Lot 100-009, Road 1, Km. 105.8, Velazquez Ward, Santa Isabel, PR 00757

Job Order Details

ETA Case Number:
Multiple Worksites:
Date Posted:
Piece Rate Offer
Is overtime pay available?
