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Farm Worker

Erik Fritchman Orchards

Eckert, CO

$16.63 per hour


Recruitment Information

Telephone Number to Apply:
Email address to Apply:

Job Description

Full Time:
Number of Workers Requested:
Job Duties:
Workers will cultivate and prune fruit trees, thin, and harvest cherries, peaches, nectarines, pluots, and apples. Workers must be physically able to pick tree fruit. When necessary, workers are required to handle and pick from ladders up to 12 ft. in length and weighing 20 to 40 lbs. with 35 lbs. pack on back. Workers must be able to pick a minimum of 5 buckets of cherries per hour and 10 bushel sacks of peaches per hour for job retention. Workers will be required to perform orchard clean up. Employer expects workers to work with or without supervision at such tasks. Some weekend work will be required. Workers will be expected to work in the packing shed performing various tasks as needed. One (1) month of orchard harvest experience is required. Three (3) days of training will be provided to reach production standards. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Los trabajadores cultivarán y podarán árboles frutales, ralearán y cosecharán cerezas, melocotones, nectarinas, pluots y manzanas. Los trabajadores deben poder físicamente recoger los frutos de los árboles. Cuando sea necesario, los trabajadores deben manipular y recoger escaleras de hasta 12 pies de largo y que pesen de 20 a 40 libras. con 35 libras. paquete en la espalda. Los trabajadores deben poder recoger un mínimo de 5 cubos de cerezas por hora y 10 sacos de melocotones por hora para conservar el empleo. Se requerirá que los trabajadores realicen la limpieza del huerto. El empleador espera que los trabajadores trabajen con o sin supervisión en dichas tareas. Se requerirá algo de trabajo de fin de semana. Se espera que los trabajadores trabajen en el cobertizo de embalaje realizando diversas tareas según sea necesario. Se requiere un (1) mes de experiencia en cosecha de huertos. Se proporcionarán tres (3) días de capacitación para alcanzar los estándares de producción.
Job Classification:
45-2092.00 - Farmworkers and Laborers, Crop, Nursery, and Greenhouse

The job/industry classification and description includes general information on the position from ONET/OES and the North American Industry Classification System. Please review Job Duties and Job Order for more information.

Job Requirements

Experience Required:
Months of Experience Required:
Special Requirements:
When necessary, workers are required to handle and pick from ladders up to 12 ft. in length and weighing 20 to 40 lbs. with 35 lbs. pack on back. Workers must be able to pick a minimum of 5 buckets of cherries per hour and 10 bushel sacks of peaches per hour for job retention. One (1) month of orchard harvest experience is required. Three (3) days of training will be provided to reach production standards. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Cuando sea necesario, se requiere que los trabajadores manejen y recojan fruta de escaleras de hasta 12 pies de largo y que pesen de 20 a 40 libras. con 35 lbs. paquete en la espalda. Los trabajadores deben poder recoger un mnimo de 5 cubos de cerezas por hora y 10 sacos de duraznos por hora para la retencin del trabajo. Se requiere un (1) mes de experiencia en la cosecha del huerto. Se proporcionarn tres (3) das de capacitacin para alcanzar los estndares de produccin.
Number of Hours Per Week:
Work Schedule (Start/End time):
7:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.

Employer Information

Trade Name/Doing Business As:
Erik Fritchman Orchards
Company Name:
Fritchman Enterprises LLC
Eckert, CO 81418


13373 2600 Road, Eckert, CO 81418

Job Order Details

ETA Case Number:
Multiple Worksites:
Date Posted:
Piece Rate Offer
