- Full Time:
- Yes
- Number of Workers Requested:
- 55
- Job Duties:
- FARM LABORER: Worker will be required to complete the following activities as directed by supervisor: plant, transplant, hoe, weed, trim, position, tie, maintain, stake, and other general care of plants; remove weeds; maintain and clean up landscaping of farm, fields, and greenhouses; paint posts, stakes; lay, mend, fix and remove black tunnel plastic and drip tape; organize, clean and sanitize harvest tools, equipment and containers; operate tractors, vehicles, and forklifts and other farm equipment to complete farm tasks on and between employer owned/operated worksites; hand harvest to quality standards pumpkins, pie pumpkins, gourds, cauliflower, corn, sweet corn, beet, cilantro, dill, and various herbs, broccoli, cantaloupe, zucchini, yellow squash, cousa (grey squash), watermelon, kale, mustard, turnip, collard greens, spinach, cucumber/pickles, variety squash such as acorn, butternut, spaghetti, kabocha and buttercup, variety peppers, and tomatillo, green bell peppers, cabbage (all varieties) tomatoes, and other vegetables; packing/sorting activities to quality standards, including pack, clean, sort, and load/unload produce and stack, repair, and assemble boxes and bins; worker may be required to complete greenhouse activities such as set up greenhouse space as directed by Supervisor, will mix soil for filling flats/pots/hanging baskets as directed; cut and prepare cedar for garlands or wreaths; participate in irrigation activities such as check and maintain all working components of irrigation system, including: irrigation lines, drip tape, sprinklers, headers, mainlines, valves, and any other irrigation equipment. Worker will be required to perform general maintenance and clean up including removing debris, rocks and other trash on the farm and greenhouses; If worker is eligible to drive under Michigan law, Employer may require worker to drive in Employer-provided vehicle to and from the worksite and to other locations.
Pay will be hourly.
- Job Classification:
- 45-2092.00 - Farmworkers and Laborers, Crop, Nursery, and Greenhouse